Pink Walkin’ Wheels for a Happy Callie Anne

I am SO very impressed with our Hot Pink Walking Wheels for our fur baby, "Callie Anne." We had just installed wood floors and the ONLY thing we can think is that she slipped. She was fine one minute and diagnosed the next day as paralyzed. We attempted to "make a cart" via YouTube examples. Major fail! We decided she deserved to have something that would really work. I received it and put it together myself in no time. At first, Callie Anne was frightened and didn't want to move. Except for some bacon treats that got her moving. It certainly was a big relief to us, considering my knee replacement and my husband's back. NOW, she thinks her PINK HOT WHEELS is for play time! Her back legs that dangled for the first couple of weeks are now moving! She has been receiving acupuncture, and to my excitement the outcome is she is beginning to walk. Not anything steady yet, but we are certain she will be able to walk, for sure on carpet, and outdoors. These wood floors just may have to have a path of customer service was fast, responded to my questions within 24 hours or less, and everything arrived in perfect condition. I am so impressed; I have started a fundraiser with my vet in my personal business to be able to raise funds in the event someone needs Walking Wheels for their dog! Callie makes Secretariat look slow in her new Walking Wheels! DiAnne

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