Walkin' Lift Rear Harness for a Happy Customer

Walkin' Lift Rear Harness
Photo Supplied by Handicappedpets.com
I bought this Walkin' Lift Rear Harness for my cousin’s boxer, Docker. We all love him so much! He was having so much trouble holding his back legs under him and they were at a complete loss as how to help him. My cousin was literally in tears thinking that they had tried everything and his time was coming to an end. We all were so sad. This product truly is a lifesaver! Docker walked out with this on today and my cousins help. We were all so happy to see him up and moving with so much ease. What a back saver as well! Truly the best product ever! We will never be able to express in words how much we love this and how it gave life back to one happy boxer! 

Thank you so much and I will definitely be recommending this to everyone!


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